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Heidi Pertl-Obermeyer: Institutsmitglieder



Main fields of research activity:

  • Development of analytical methods for analysis of the influence of curvature on shape and growth of biological tissues

  • „3D bioprinting“ for fabrication of plant cell-laden hydrogel scaffolds

  • “Plant biochemistry” with main focus on adaption strategies of plants to abiotic stresses (heat, cold, and water stress) and  exploration of function, regulation and interaction of membrane proteins

  • „Pollen systems biology” with main focus on investigation the ability of pollen to cope with osmotic stress (osmoregulation) by using an multi-omics approach (transcriptomics, metabolomics, (phospho-)proteomics)



Senior Researcher at the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Forest Products Technology and Management, Center for Smart Materials, Salzburg/Kuchl, Austria


Senior Scientist in Prof. Dr. John Dunlop’s lab at the University of Salzburg, Dept. Chemistry and Physics of Materials, MorphoPhysics group, Salzburg, Austria

MAR 2017-MAR 2020

PostDoc in aoProf. Dr. Gerhard Obermeyer’s lab, University of Salzburg, Dept. Biosciences, Membrane Biophysics group, Salzburg, Austria

NOV 2015-DEZ 2016

PostDoc in Prof. Dr. Jürgen Soll’s lab at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich, Biology I – Plant Biochemistry and Physiology group, Munich, Germany

JÄN 2014-APR 2015

PostDoc in Prof. Dr. Waltraud Schulze`s lab at the University of Hohenheim, Plant Systems Biology group, Stuttgart, Germany

MAI 2012-DEZ 2013

PostDoc in Dr. Waltraud Schulze’s lab at the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Signaling Proteomics group, Potsdam/Golm, Germany

MÄR 2011-APR 2012

PostDoc in Prof. Dr. Waltraud Schulze`s lab at the University of Hohenheim, Plant Systems Biology group, Stuttgart, Germany

Heidi Pertl-Obermeyer: Liste


OCT 1990-FEB 1997

Study of Biology at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Austria

MAR 1997-OCT 2007

Laboratory technician at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Department Molecular Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Austria

OCT 2003-NOV 2007

Bachelor study (Physiology/Cell biology) and Master study (Botany/Plant Biology) at the Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Austria

NOV 2007

Master`s degree at the Department of Molecular Biology, Molecular Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry, Univ. Salzburg, Austria (grade: excellent)

DEC 2007-DEC 2010

Ph.D. thesis in Plant Biology on “POMP – The Pollen Organelle Membrane Proteome: dynamics and interactions of membrane and membrane-associated proteins in lily pollen” under the supervision of aoProf. Dr. Gerhard Obermeyer (Dept. Molecular Biology, Molecular Plant Biophysics and Biochemistry, Univ. Salzburg, Austria) and Prof. Dr. Hans Brandstetter (Dept. Molecular Biology, Structural Biology, Univ. Salzburg, Austria) and in  co-operation with Dr. Waltraud Schulze (Max-Planck-Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Signaling Proteomics, Golm, Germany).

 Thesis defended on the 22nd of February 2011 (grade: excellent).

Heidi Pertl-Obermeyer: Liste


WS2019 AND SS2020

Instructor for Practical courses “Physics I and II”

SS2017 AND SS 2018

Instructor in Module „Molecular & Medical Biology – Metabolic biochemistry”, Paris-Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria

WS2015 – WS2016

Instructor for Practical courses in “Biochemistry”, “Anatomy & Morphology of Plants”, “Protein characterization” and Lecturer for “Botanical Cell biology”, LMU Munich, Germany


Supervisor Humboldt Reloaded Project “QconCATs: Expression and characterization of synthetic standard peptides for mass spectrometry” at the University of Hohenheim, Germany


Supervisor Proteomics Workshop, FOR 1061 “Dynamic storage functions of plant vacuoles during cold and osmotic stress”, University of Hohenheim, Germany


Instructor in Module Biochemistry, Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria


Regularly practical courses in plant anatomy, plant physiology, membrane physiology, plant biotechnology and cell culture as teaching assistant (Tutor/Co-supervisor), Paris-Lodron-University of Salzburg, Austria


Co-supervisor of several Bachelor and Master Students at the University of Salzburg, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Potsdam/Golm, at the University of Hohenheim and at the LMU Munich

Heidi Pertl-Obermeyer: Liste


27. Pertl-Obermeyer*, H, and Obermeyer, G (2020) In vivo cross-linking to analyse transient protein-protein interactions. Plant Proteomics, Methods and Protocols, in press

26. Wu, X, Chu, L, Xi, L, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Li, Z, Sklodowski, K, Sanchez-Rodriguez, C, Obermeyer, G, and Schulze*, W (2019) Sucrose-induced receptor kinase 1 is modulated by an interacting kinase with short extracellular domain. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, doi:10.1074/mcp.RA119.001336

25. Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Lackner, P, Dunlop, J W C, and Obermeyer*, G (2018) The pollen plasma membrane permeome converts transmembrane ion transport into speed, Advances in Botanical Research 87:215-265, doi:10.1016/bs.abr.2018.09.008

24. Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Lackner, P, Schulze, W X, Hoepflinger, M C, Hoeftberger, M, Foissner*, I, and Obermeyer*, G (2018) Dissecting the subcellular membrane proteome reveals enrichment of H+ (co-)transporters and vesicle trafficking proteins in acidic zones of Chara internodal cells. PLoS ONE 13(8):e0201480, doi.10.1371/journal.pone.0201480

23. Wu, X*, Xi, L, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Li, Z, Chu, L C, and Schulze*, W X (2017) Highly efficient single-step enrichment of low abundance phosphopeptides from plant membrane preparations. Frontiers in Plant Science 8:1673, doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01673

22. Pertl-Obermeyer*, H (2017) The Pollen Membrane Proteome. Pollen Tip Growth: From Biophysical Aspects to Systems Biology, Chapter 11, pp. 293-318

21. Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Wu, X, Schrodt, J, Müdsam, C, Obermeyer, G, and Schulze*, W X (2016) Identification of cargo for adaptor protein complexes AP-3 and AP-4 by sucrose gradient profiling. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 15 (9), doi:10.1074/mcp.M116.060129

20. Harsman, A, Schock, A, Hemmis, B, Wahl, V, Jeshen, I, Bartsch, P, Schlereth, A, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Goetze, T A, Soll, J, Philippar*, K, and Wagner, R (2016) OEP40: a regulated glucose-permeable, ß-barrel solute channel in the chloroplast outer envelope membrane. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291(34), doi:10.1074/jbc:M115.712398

19. Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Trentmann O, Duscha K, Neuhaus HE, and Schulze*, W X (2016) Quantitation of vacuolar sugar transporter abundance changes using QconCAT synthtetic peptides. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:411.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00411

18. Zakhartsev*, M, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, and Schulze, W X (2016) From phosphoproteome to modeling of plant signaling pathways. Proteomics in Systems Biology: Methods and Protocols (Jörg Reinders, ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1394, doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-3341-9_18

17. Safiarian, MJ, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Lughofer, P, Hude, R, Bertl, A, and Obermeyer*, G (2015) Lost in traffic? The K+ channel of lily pollen, LilKT1, is detected at the endomembranes inside yeast cells, tobacco leaves, and lily pollen. Frontiers in Plant Science 6(47):1-16

16.  Pertl-Obermeyer*, H, Schulze, W X, and Obermeyer, G (2014) In vivo cross-linking combined with mass spectrometry analysis reveals receptor-like kinases and Ca2+ signalling proteins as putative interaction partners of pollen plasma membrane H+ ATPases. Journal of Proteomics 108:17-29

15.  Lang, V, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Safiarian, M J, and Obermeyer*, G (2014) Pump up the volume – a central role for the plasma membrane H+ pump in pollen germination and tube growth. Protoplasma 251:477-488

14.  Wu, X, Sanchez-Rodriguez, C, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Obermeyer, G, and Schulze*, W X (2013) Sucrose-induced receptor kinase SIRK1 regulates a plasma membrane aquaporin in Arabidopsis. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 12:2856-2873

13.  Pertl-Obermeyer, H and Obermeyer*, G (2013) Pollen-cultivation and preparation for proteome studies. In: Plant Proteomics, Methods and Protocols (Jorrin J et al., eds.), Methods in Molecular Biology, 1072:435-49

12.  Siegert, M, Pertl-Obermeyer, H, Gadermaier, G, Ferreira, F, and Obermeyer*, G (2012) Expression of the major mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 in tobacco plants and cell cultures: problems and perspectives for allergen production in plants. Plant Cell Reports 31: 561-571

11. Pertl, H, Rittmann, S, Schulze, W X, and Obermeyer*, G (2011) Identification of lily pollen 14-3-3 isoforms and their subcellular and time-dependent expression profile. Biological Chemistry 392:249-262

10. Pertl, H, Pöckl, M, Blaschke, C, and Obermeyer*, G (2010) Osmoregulation in Lilium pollen grains occurs via modulation of the plasma membrane H+ ATPase activity by 14-3-3 proteins. Plant Physiology 154:1921-1928

9.   Pertl, H, Schulze, W X, and Obermeyer*, G (2009) The pollen organelle proteome reveals highly spatial-temporal dynamics during germination and tube growth of lily pollen. Journal of Proteome Research 8:5142-5152

8.   Pertl, H. and Obermeyer*, G (2008) Need for speed oder im Rausch der Geschwindigkeit: Pollenschlauchwachstum. Biologie in unserer Zeit 38:304-310

7.   Schmidt, G, Gadermaier, G, Pertl, H, Siegert, M, Oksman-Caldentey, K-M, Ritala, A, Himly, M, Obermeyer, G, and Ferreira*, F (2008) Production of recombinant allergens in plants. Phytochemistry Reviews: Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe 7:539-552

6.   Pertl, H, Gehwolf, R, and Obermeyer*, G (2005) The distribution of membrane-bound 14-3-3 proteins in organelle-enriched fractions of germinating lily pollen. Plant Biology 7:140-147

5.   Hoidn, C, Puchner, E, Pertl, H, Holztrattner, E, and Obermeyer*, G (2005) Nondiffusional release of allergens from pollen grains of Artemisia vulgaris and Lilium longiflorum depends mainly on the type of the allergen. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 137:27-36

4.   Gadermaier, G, Gehwolf, R, Sebesta, W, Pertl, H, Hamilton, N, Hoidn, C, Ferreira, F, and Obermeyer*, G (2003) In-planta production of pollen allergens: expression of Art v 1 in virus- and Agrobacterium-transformed tobacco plants. Allergy & Clinical Immunology International, Suppl. 2

3.   Ibrahim, H, Pertl, H, Pittertschatscher, K, Fadl-Allah, E, El-Shahed, A, Bentrup, F-W, and Obermeyer*, G (2002) Release of an acid phosphatase activity during lily pollen tube growth involves components of the secretory pathway. Protoplasma 219: 176-183

2.   Gehwolf, R, Griessner, M, Pertl, H, and Obermeyer*, G (2002) First patch, then catch: measuring the activity and the mRNA transcripts of a proton pump in individual Lilium pollen protoplasts. FEBS Letters 512: 152-156

1.    Pertl, H, Himly, M, Gehwolf, R, Kriechbaumer, R, Strasser, D, Michalke, W, Richter, K, Ferreira, F, and Obermeyer*, G (2001) Molecular and physiological characterisation of a 14-3-3 protein from lily pollen regulating the activity of the plasma membrane H+ ATPase during pollen grain germination and tube growth. Planta 213: 132-141

Heidi Pertl-Obermeyer: Liste

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